Powergate3+ Personal OBD Programmer

Powergate3+ Personal OBD programmer

Powergate3+ is the portable and touchscreen Personal OBD Programmer which will allow your customers to program the ECUs of their vehicles in complete autonomy, using your preloaded modified maps.

It’s a technological innovative solution that will help you attract new customers, even the ones far away from you. Set and customize the Powergate3+ and send it to a customer, wherever he may be. Don’t miss the opportunity to create a huge number and a new way of business![vc_empty_space][vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” el_class=”puntidiforza”][vc_column][vc_column_text]



  • Direct connection to the vehicle through OBD port (cables included).
  • On the Powergate3+ that your customer will receive, you’ll be able to store up to 5 different stages, in addition to the Original File of the vehicle.
  • You can sell Powergate3+ to any customer, even the ones miles away from you.
  • Your customers will be able to independently select and upload your map on their vehicle.
  • Thanks to the Original File stored in the Powergate3+, the ECU can be restored to factory settings by your customers at any time.
  • Standard connection to PC via USB port to configure the tools (cables included).
  • Poweragate3+ is safe to use and user-friendly for both you and your customers. All the procedures are guided so that your customers can’t write an incorrect file.
  • Poweragate3+ works as a diagnostic tool as well. It reads possible errors with DTC code, enabling you to erase them.
  • Poweragate3+ is completely customizable: this means you can create customized templates for your customers (logo, icons, language and pictures).


Which tools we’re offering you

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  • Powergate3+ Decoder: is the tool that allows you to set and associate with your customer code all the Powergate3+ User you wish to sell to your customers. In order to protect your work, all the Modified Files you upload on the devices will be encoded.


  • Powergate3+ User: is the tool you will send to your customers. It contains the Original file as well as your modified maps (up to 5 different stages for each original file). Each Powergate3+ User it’s associated with your customer’s vehicle. In case your customer should change the vehicle, Powergate3+ will be associated with the new one.

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  • Software Alientech Manager: is the free software created for the tuner. You’ll be able to consult the vehicles list, customize in graphics and upload your maps on the Powergate3+ User, connect to Alientech Data Bank and get more information about all the Powergate3+ User devices associated to you. Alientech Manager can be installed on any PC.


  • Software User: it’s the free software that will be used by the final customer to download the Original File and upload your Modified Maps.

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Watch the video for further details about Powergate3+

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